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Sometimes the words that come out of the mouths of children can throw someone of balance and really show us that we do not have all the answers. We may be christian mothers and we may have been christians all our lives, it does not matter. It goes to show that we learn every day and we need to always seek God's guidance through his Holy Spirit and ask him daily to help us make the appropriate response. This brings us to a statement such as this, "The whole Jesus thing does not work for me." How do you address children's faith issues? How do you feel when all you have done for as long as they were born was to teach them about God's love, his mercy, his grace. You have taught them about God answering prayers and they have been privy to so many answers but one day being kids they ask for something and the answer does not come as they expect; they lose faith and they gain it again, but the real issue is for an abiding faith that will guide them through out their lives. A faith that will deny the lies of the world and show God as true again and again. A faith that will be unshaken despite the changing values of the world. How do we help our children to develop this kind of faith even as we still struggle with ours?
We can pray for faith. The faith of David, who asked God before he undertook everything or anything. A faith of a man after God's heart, who sinned desperately but did not lose that faith. The faith of Abraham known as the father of faith, who believed God despite everything physical being against God's promise. The faith of Moses, who despite his stammer led God's people through the desert and is arguably the best leader in the history of God's people, who though he was not allowed to go to the promised land still followed God till his death. A man whom God buried by himself whose grave no one can identify to date (Deut. 34). The faith of Daniel, Paul, Peter, Joshua, Caleb and many others even modern day saints.
You get the point, men of faith have walked the earth paying allegiance to God. The world today makes it hard to be faithful even for adult christians, not to think of little kids easily influenced by peers. We need to pray for faith so our children are not swallowed by the culture of the world that denies the very existence of God.
We have hope because the bible assures us that prayer works and we can pray for our children. We can Pray for a faith that is unshakeable in the face of utter challenges. Faith works.
Here is a simple prayer to start
Dear Lord, Thank you for the gift of my children
Thank you for deeming me worthy to care for these precious lives
Lord Sometimes you know I know not how to but I depend on your grace and your guidance
Lord as they grow may I direct them more towards you and may they embrace your presence daily
Dear Lord I ask that you teach them to be faithful children of yours
To desire to know you and live for you all their lives
Lord I pray that the challenges they meet may drive them more to you and not far away.
May they seek the faith of your most beloved saints that revered you in all they did
May the distractions of the world and its lure not take away from you
In all things may they know the joy that comes from knowing you.
Thank you Lord for answering this Prayer.
I ask through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Romans 5:1-2
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