Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What to do Lord

Today I got a message and I hold it firm
He gave me this inkling because I had asked
Why did you make me, what am I to achieve?
The whole world belongs to you and I believe you have a purpose
For every soul you created for every person you made
I have studied to be a physician as I dreamt at first
I have also gone further to learn about the health of masses
I have had experiences many and varied and all lead to something
They lead to where you want me to be
What is it Lord, where do I go from here?
I remembered the words of the song "Que Sara, Sara"
Also the song, "the answer my friend is blowing in the wind"
And truly the answer came blowing in the wind
Not the howling breeze but the silent wind of silence
The words oh 'Chrysologus' came forth
"You are a healer by my side, as you were meant to be
With your words sooth people, and with your hands bring relief
With your voice calm fears and with your face extend a smile
Let your heart be aflame to warm the freezing world
You are a healer beside me, what more do you want to hear


1-2punch said...

Beautiful indeed! Please check out "Pilgrim Chef" on my side bar of my blog I think you will find her words most inspiring.

thine4eternity said...

Thanks 1-2 punch. I appreciate your comment.I'd like to follow your blog but can't see the follow button.