Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter - True Light from True Light

It's easter day, and happilly we proclaim the resurrection of the Lord
I attended the Great Easter vigil Holy saturday breaking into sunday
The beginning of this beautiful night never ceases to amaze me
The filing out of God's people and the return into the church
The preparation to arise with our Prince of Peace
Jesus is risen, indeed he is and we arose with him
We have another chance to make things better by the power of the Lord
The whole purpose of this reflection is the impression I got before we returned into the church
The burn fire exuded warmth to us as Christ also warms our hearts
The huge candle carried by the deacon SWAYED above our heads as we heard "Christ our Light".
The mass servers lit their candles from the huge one and we all the entire church had candles lit.
Those candles were lit from one Candle,and we all shared the light to each other and the light of christ was held by all with candles
In the same way I thought Christ asks us to spread his light in the world to each other spreading outwards till the whole world feels the true light of Christ.
First start within the church, spread the light and spread outwards, knowing that you share the love of christ. You are not diminished by it and yet you gave it to your neighbor and he gave it to his and we had a greater light that we can truly call TRUE LIGHT FROM TRUE LIGHT! Have a wonderful easter filled with the Light of CHRIST.

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