Friday, April 8, 2011

My Web Log- Blog

Today i learnt the meaning of blog, it is a combination of two words web and log
It made so much sense. I have been one to write journals; every year i keep a journal of sorts and i started this blog in 2008 as a web journal which was private.
Here i openly expressed my faith, my view of life and generally just wrote poems about how i see this life and lessons i have learnt
However like life this blog is evolving to include my interests and ways i can reach out to people and share with them the same things I love. It will be nice if it can make a difference in people's lives.
Life is all about sharing, caring and daring. We dare to live daily as we believe it is right, we share our lives with people and we care enough about people and issues to go the extra length. We share our faith and we dare to proclaim our belief in God and we care that someone somewhere will find the way home.
My blog is all about doing the things we do at the right time in God's sight and living life to the fullest. Expressing my talents and sharing my knowledge because no candle lessens by sharing its light. Dare to blog, share your thoughts and gifts and care for people enough to give them hope to live life to the hilt. Blogggggggggggg on!!!!

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