Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Prayer of Plea

Lord I have come again with my never ending plea for Direction
Lord I have come again, holding the helm of your garment
Lord I have come again, asking another favor, seeking respite
Lord I have come again knowing you will never tire of me
I chose to come to this place, I pleaded to seek these shores
You gave me my heart's desire, I knew not the enormity of my quest
This place is a wilderness, this place is a dungeon, cold and damp
I am all alone in this festering habitat, I am dismayed
I know that in all things I should see your hand, your face, your touch
Right now Lord I do not lie, I feel alone, afraid, aghast
Come to me in this dark night of my soul and let your light shine
Give me the strength to go on in the power of your name
Let me follow your direction even when it seems bizarre
Let me find joy, peace and faith within me
Lord I come again because I am loosing touch
I am loosing the grip I had before or the grip I thought I had
Lord I may have said it so many times, but I say it again take me back
Take me to where my joy will return, to where I will see your face again
If it be your will Lord I will stay, for to do your will is my ultimate aim
But if not Lord, take me where yo know I will feel the light of your countenance
Where I will touch your flock, feed your sheep and still be happy
Nevertheless I say again, Let your perfect will be done.
Lord I come again, I come to seek your face
Lord, I COME AGAIN, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ

Resolve to Excel

I have held myself back too long
I have dreamed dreams and not let them Be
My eyes have longed for a disappearing song
Maybe its time to wake up and see
I have the gift to excel, everyone does
How do I choose to use mine?
Will I let it die a death in painful throes
Will I groom it and grow so we can dine
On tables of Physical splendour
Within palaces of spiritual accomplishments
I resolve to rise above my stupor
To burn the midnight oil and reap assortments
Yes, the time has come and now is
For less talk, more action, less pity, more strength
I need to become who I am, sis
I need to wake up, gird my loins and back bent
I resolve to excel, Reviresco!!!!
Watch out you mockers I shall flourish again
I dare to try and to overcome this fiasco
I shall conquer, by God I shall win AGAIN AND AGAIN!

Baptized and Dedicated

The 8th of July 2011,is a memorable day for me
For many more years it will be memorable still
My little Princess was baptized and dedicated to God
Though filled with joy I also had thoughts
Just as Mary, Blessed Mother had thoughts at the dedication of Jesus
I had openly acknowledged that I would be the Jesus that she sees
That I would be an open book, the Bible she would read
I had also said, God she belongs to you and have your way
It dawned on me that, these were responsibilities
These were committments made at the Altar of God
The Triune God was present, so were the Priest, Deacon, family and Friends
Many witnesses to remind me, to address me, to encourage me too
Her dad made the same committment and so we were two
Two are better that one, so they can hold each other up
Though we undertook a challenge, We still knew that
God by His Spirit will be with us all through and do his Will
Only as we have said She's yours Lord, may we always remember
She is God's child, We are Guardians, Stewards
Here to do our duty, the best we can
Let us be wiling ti let go and Let God
Baptized into Christ, Dedicated to God by the power of the Spirit
May God be PRAISED!!!!